Epigenetic Oral Therapy

Experience a modern approach to oral health with Epigenetic Oral Therapy (EOT) at Untethered.

Our evidence-based therapy is designed to address a range of issues, including jaw expansion, sleep-disordered breathing symptoms, alignment of the jaws and body, & more space for teeth.

How does it work? 🤔

Epigenetic Oral Therapy (EOT) involves using a custom removable appliance during the evenings and night. This appliance mimics your body’s natural growth patterns (biomimetic) by releasing growth-stimulating hormones during specific stages of restful sleep. Your tongue is trained to suction at the roof of your mouth (its natural position during breathing), creating light vibrations transmitted from the appliance to your teeth and jaw.

This process promotes jaw growth by "signaling" the stem cells in your tooth ligaments to create bone as if your jaw/tongue needs more space. As the jaw grows forward, up/down, and side to side, the space behind your tongue (your airway) changes.

Having a functional tongue is fundamental to the success of Epigenetic Oral Therapy (EOT) and jaw development. Data and case studies highlight the importance of Oral Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) in achieving successful outcomes, especially in surgical procedures such as tongue-tie releases and EOT. OMT, often referred to as "physical therapy from the neck up," restores proper function and contributes to long-term success by reducing sleep-disordered breathing symptoms.

Unlock Your Bodys Natural Potential with Dr. Cane’s Epigenetic Oral Therapy

Our approach is inspired by 1) groundbreaking research in Pneumopedics,
Craniofacial Epigenetics, and Orthotropics/Orthopedics and 2) the pioneering work of
Dr. Dave Singh and Dr. Felix Liao.

Key Features of EOT:

· Biomimicry Design: The appliance is meticulously crafted to replicate the
body’s innate growth patterns, harnessing slight vibrations to trigger stem cell
· Customizable and Removable: Tailored to each patient’s unique needs, the
appliance is worn post-dinner and during sleep, aligning with natural growth
timings observed in childhood development.
· Comprehensive Benefits: Our oral appliance therapy addresses a spectrum of
issues, including jaw expansion, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD), teeth alignment, malocclusion, fatigue, head and neck pain, and “choked” airways. It does this by treating the root of your issue-
your jaw development and a wide-open airway to support whole health.
· Optimized Sleep: By enhancing oral cavity and airway space, the therapy
promotes improved sleep quality, complemented by oral myofunctional therapy
(OMT) to optimize tongue posture and nasal breathing. Supporting your
parasympathetic (rest & and digest) nervous system instead of your sympathetic
(fight or flight) system.

The Concept Behind Epigenetic Oral Treatment:

Proper tongue posture plays a crucial role in shaping the oral cavity and airway space
during childhood. Our custom oral appliance therapy is interdisciplinary- coupled with
oral myofunctional therapy, bodywork, and nutrition. Working in this collaborative care paradigm promotes a whole-health treatment approach, evaluating and addressing the oral-systemic connection.  As such, by treating the mouth, we tap into the body’s natural ability to help many affected conditions, such as breathing, circulation, digestion, energy, and sleep.


Optimal growth and expansion of the jaws involves proper nasal breathing, correct tongue and lip posture, and wide enough jaws to accommodate all the teeth in the mouth. When these concepts are in harmony, stem cells morph into the jawbone
for optimal growth and expansion. This oral appliance therapy works via biomimicry (mimics the same principles your body uses to grow), stimulating stem cells within the
periodontal ligaments (roots) of teeth.  We use 3-D Jaw Diagnostics to design a customized treatment plan. 

This is a lot to chew on, I know. So here’s an analogy: Imagine you have a shoe that is
too small for your foot. Instantly, you will have to curl your toes and compensate to wear
the shoes correctly. As the hours pass and you walk around, you may have tension in
your calves. As days pass, maybe your lower back. Now, imagine you had to do this for
months, you will probably feel tension all the way in your neck. This is the same concept
for your upper and lower jaws.  Your upper jaw (like the shoe) needs to neurologically and functionally be large enough to cooperate with your lower jaw (like the foot).  When the upper jaw is undersized, the lower jaw is retracted and the tongue will choke off the airway, causing a whole host of consequences such as sleep disorders, breathing dysfunction, mood disorders, inflammation, and a chronic pathway to poor health.

What Are the Differences between Orthodontia and Orthotropics/Orthopedics?:
Orthodontia is the branch of dentistry that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and
treatment of dental and facial irregularities, such as crooked teeth, overcrowding, and
malocclusions (bad bites). Typical orthodontists use braces, aligners, and other appliances to straighten teeth and align jaws to improve their patients; bite and appearance.

EOT is a branch of orthodontics that is more aligned with what we call “Orthotropics/orthopedics”. Orthotropics is a more root-cause approach to correcting misaligned teeth and underdeveloped jaws that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of malocclusions rather than just focusing on straightening the teeth. This approach considers the overall growth and development of the face, jaw, and airway to achieve optimal facial aesthetics and functional balance. Orthotropists/orthopedists (such as Dr. Cane) may use a combination of oral appliances, exercises, clear aligners, and referrals to postural therapists, nutritional recommendations, and other techniques to support and guide facial growth and correct alignment issues that have effects on the whole body.